Essential Oils for Immunity - November 2022

This month blog dedicated to all things oily with a focus on immunity - which is so relevant for the time we’re in.

I have been studying the oils for four years now and my experience and knowledge has grown considerably since I first started using the oils. These oils support me and my family on a daily basis, they are my first port of call for most things. If you're here and reading, you too may have experienced them on some level and I am here to educate you on that journey by sharing and teaching what I know.



On Guard essential oil is one of my absolute favourites (and most popular) oils, it's the perfect blend to serve you in these times and protecting you against germs.

The extensive On Guard range also includes household products such as; toothpaste, soap laundry detergent and a convenient spray hand sanitiser.

I have this in the diffuser constantly at the moment! Add 3-4 drops to the diffuser, inhale the aroma and reap the benefits.

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And breathe ... Nadi Shodhana Pranayama


My Oily Morning Routine – My Top 5 Oils